February 24, 2015

Reduce Weight, Relief from Inflammation, Skin and Hair Related Problems

Papaya – An Extraordinary Fruit

Praised by Christopher Columbus as “The Fruit of the Angels”, Papaya is esteemed by all as it is available throughout the year and it is quite well-known for its delicious taste and effluent quality as well as health payback.

Papaya is a container of lot of nutrients. The enzyme ‘Papain’ present in Papaya is used to make dietetic supplements, and is also used as a major constituent in some chewing gums. 
Papaya is a rich source of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the minerals, potassium and magnesium; and fiber. The pulp of this fruit is also a basic component of many facial creams, and shampoos.

Skin Benefits of Papaya:

1. Papaya removes dead skin cells and promotes skin glowing by removing inactive proteins.

2. Because of low sodium content, papaya keeps your face hydrated always and gives glowing skin.

3. Papaya is available at low cost and and contain more carotene when compared to other fruits like apple, custard apple, guava and plantains. 

4. Papaya removes pimples.

5. Papaya treats the sore and cracked heels.

8. Papaya also acts as a natural skin exfoliator.

9. Papaya removes skin discoloration.

10. Papaya helps to whitening the legs.

11. Papaya is used to reduce inflammation and cures ringworms.

12. Papaya helps the skin by reducing the aging signs on the face.

How to Use:

  • Apply papaya on face and rub it around the mouth to avoid aging of skin.

  • Apply papaya with or without milk to get the glowing skin.

  • Apply papaya with mashed with honey to get the glowing skin without dark spot.

  • Apply papaya with malai or milk cream to avoid the dry skin.

  • To avoid loose skin, apply papaya with rice flour and honey.

  • Apply papaya with honey, salt spa and olive oil to get the whole glowing body.

  • To cure the skin tans and bright skin, apply papaya mask by preparing the mixture of mashed papaya, yogurt, honey and white part of the egg. Keep it for half an hour and wash it off.

Hair Benefits of Papaya:

1. Because of the abundant nutrients in papaya, it helps to cure hair fall and baldness by strengthening the hair follicles.

2. Papaya eradicates dandruff by cleansing the dead skin cells and promoting the newer one.

3. Eat papaya daily to get the strengthen the hair follicles to avoid hair falling.

5. Apply papaya leaf extracts to cure baldness to speed up hair growth.

6. Use papaya mask to get strong hair.

Papaya Hair Mask

Prepare a paste of mixture of mashed papaya, banana, molasses, olive oil and yogurt. Apply this thoroughly mixed paste on your scalp and cover it with a head plastic cover, keep it for an hour, wash it off with a mild hair conditioner.

Health Benefits of Papaya:

Papaya is not only useful for beauty related products, but also it is an important ingredient in making of medicines because of its nutrient-rich container.

1. Papaya reduces hypertension by diminishing the blood pressure level because of its potassium constituent.

2. Papaya improves eye vision greatly.

3. Papaya increases the immunity level of the body thereby keeping the diseases at bay.

4. Papaya protects us against cold, ear infections and flu.

5. Papaya dissolves and eliminates cholesterol thereby it protects against getting the risk of heart attack and stroke.

6. Papaya reduces inflammation directly by applying papaya pulp over the wounds.

7. Papaya mixed with butter cures chronic intestinal infections and ulcers.

8. Latex present in papaya cures bronchitis, coughness, disordered breathing, and all respiratory diseases.

9. Apart from sweetest nature, diabetes can eat papaya well and get cured from it.

10. Daily intake of papaya keeps your body to stay away from cancer by binding fibre rich ingredients to toxins in the colon.

Side Effects of Papaya:

1. Papaya can cause abortion by stimulating uterine contractions because of presence of latex in it. 

2. Because of the presence of beta-carotene, if it is consumed in high quantities it can cause discoloration of skin, like yellow color of white part of the eyes during jaundice.

3. Excessive consumption of papaya can cause various respiratory disorders, such as obstructed breathing, Wheezing, Continuous congestion of the nasal passages, Hay fever, and Asthma because of the presence of allergic papain enzyme.

4. Excessive consumption can promote renal stone formation because of presence of high quantities of vitamin C.

5. Abundant fibre and latex present in the papaya may cause stomach related problems if it is consumed excessively.

6. Papaya is used to promote breast milk during pregnancy in asia. But, before eating it, it is recommended to consult with the doctor.

7. People with blood related diseases like hemophilia, blood clotting diseases should stay away from papaya because of the anticoagulant nature of the papain enzyme present in it.

8. Not all papaya related products is applied to all, it varies from person to person depending on the skin type because its fibre and papain enzyme may cause dryness and itching. If you feel any adverse effects, drop using them.

9. Latex present in papaya may cause irritation. If you're uncomfortable using it then don't use it.

10. The alkaloid carpaine present in leaves, seeds may cause adverse effects to your health. while cutting the fruit it is recommended to wear the gloves.

11. People having cardiac diseases should not eat papaya, as it has been found that the enzyme papain will decrease heart beat.

12. If You Suffer From Diarrhea, then don't take papaya, as because the fiber binds with the stools and worsens the condition, leaving you at the risk of dehydration.

13. Avoid babies to feed papaya below 1 year age, because of the excessive fibre as it may causes constipation by hardening the stools.

14. Even though it is effective remedy for constipation, it may promote constipation if it is consumed excessively.

Reduce 20 pounds in Ten Days:

Purchase an organic fresh papaya, not fully riped and extra virgin olive oil.

Drink 2 litres of water on the empty stomach to remove toxins from the your body before starting your diet.

Start your diet with a glass of warm water with lemon juice and two spoons of extra virgin olive oil.

All through the day you should eat only papaya. If you feel hungry eat more papaya which removes toxins and purifies your body. Papaya reduces inflammation in the stomach and builds strong tissues because of its ingredient, that is beta carotene.

During this day if you get diarrhea or your stomach hurts, that is normal, as your body is in the healing crisis, i.e. it’s eliminating the dirty toxins.

Follow this for one or two day continuously. Then commence the next day with lemon juice in warm water with papaya as the breakfast. Then after half an hour you can start to eat soft foods, vegetables, whole grains and wheat stuffs.

Follow this for 10 days, to remove fat stored in blood vessels at a greater extent. 

Do skipping or jogging 15 minutes intermittently to burn the fat eliminated by papaya.

Important Things to Consider:

This procedure will make your liver so powerful. Powerful liver eliminates the fat effectively.

You can make papaya juice with oats, almonds and honey to vary the taste.

Relief From Heart Attack, Cancer, and Inflammation!

Amazing Benefits of Grape Seeds

Invented by ancient Greek and Roman civilizations for wine making, grapes are used for medicinal purpose since a very long ago. Grape fruit contains various nutrient elements, such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, edible fibers, phytochemicals, essential oils, sugars and proteins. Polyphenols are the most important phytochemicals in grape because they possess many biological activities and health-promoting benefits. The phenolic compounds mainly include anthocyanins, flavanols, flavonols, stilbenes (resveratrol) and phenolic acids.

1. Grape seed extract reduces body weight by disintegrating fat cells at the rate of 250%.

2. Grape seed extract reduces the possibility of getting heart attack by relaxing the blood vessels and delivering oxygen and essential nutrients to body cells fluently. Grape seed extract completely avoids the risk of blot clotting

3. Grape seed extract protects brain from brain fever and other plaques. And also it increases blood flow to our brain thereby making it powerful and intelligent.

4. Grape seed extract protects our body against harmful UV radiation from sun and reduce the possibility of getting skin cancer. Because of its ability to protect our body against harmful radiation, it is used as an adjunct to radiation treatment of cancer. If you drink grape juice once or twice in week, you can stay away from cancer truly.

5. The nutrient “Resveratrol” present in grapes improves the survival and longevity of human genes.

6. Grape seed extract protects us from diabetes by controlling blood glucose concentrations, metabolic syndrome, metabolic eye damage, and inhibits AGE protein formation.

7. Grape seed extract reduces the risk of getting urinary problems in men.

8. Because of anti-inflammatory effect, Grape seed extract saves us from getting heart attack.

9. Because of its anti-oxidant activity, grapes relaxe muscles by eliminating uric acid and toxins from the body.

10. Because of its anti-inflammatory effect, grapes seed extract reduces inflammation caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Psoriasis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Colitis, Atherosclerosis, Diabetes, COPD, Asthma, Allergies, Alzheimer's, Fibromyalgia.

11. The phyto nutrients present in Grape seed extract can act as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents and/or on specific genes to reduce the effects of chronic diseases and promote health.

12. Grape seed extract improves digestion and cures constipation.

February 22, 2015

Precautions to Avoid Ulcer, Inflammation, Body Heat, and Hair Related Problems

God-gifted Medicine, Disease Killer -- Aloe Vera

Identified and praised as “Plant of Immortality” by Egyptians as a powerful medicine to cure all the human diseases, lot of researches is still going on how to utilize this green diamond to cure all the diseases. A single green leaf of Aloe vera contains 10 vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6 and B12, Vitamin C and E, folic acid and Niacin), 80 nutrients, 21 minerals, 20 amino acids, and 210 active enzymes, and it is rich in essential elements, viz, copper, iron, sodium, calcium, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium and manganese.

Aloe vera is used as a home remedy for many skin related diseases, to cure hair falling and dandruff in India because of its strong ability against fungus, virus and bacteria. If you want to stay away from all diseases, it is not unworthy to have a cup of aloe vera juice on empty stomach on every morning. Just cut the fleshy leaf, extract the jelly part wash it 7 times to remove bitterness, grind it well with sugar and water and drink it every day. Let’s see its glorious uses.

  • When taken internally, it cures digestion, constipation, and other stomach related problems. It cures ulcers and makes intestines free from germs, bacteria and viruses.
  • Because of its use as an anti-oxidant, it fights well with free radicals and make you to look young forever.
  • Aloe vera cools down inflammation and fire injuries effectively. It also reduces body pain, joint pain, and sprains.
  • While taking internally, Aloe vera cures cold and persistent cough problems.
  • Aloe vera reduces cholesterol level, blood pressure, and blood sugar. While taking it as juice in every morning we can keep our body weight at a perfect level as increases metabolism and burns calories efficiently.
  • Because of its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial effects, it is used in dentistry as a powerful medicine. If have mouth ulcers, chewing aloe vera cures those wounds and also tongue biting wounds efficiently.
  • Because of its coolant effect, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial effects, it is used as a home remedy to cure sun burn and other skin related problems.
    God-gifted Medicine, Disease Killer -- Aloe Vera!
  • It is used as a beauty remedy to cure pimples and to increase complexion as well by removing dead skin cells and promoting the growth of fresh cells.
  • When it is rinsed with hair, it removes dandruff and controls other hair falling related problems.
  • Because of its anti-leukemic, Aloe cures cancer leukemic through stimulation of the scavenging white.
  • Aloe Vera kills the bacteria Streptococcus Pyogenes which causes Rheumatic fever, strep throat and scarlet fever.
  • Aloe Vera kills the bacteria Serratia Marcescens which causes Endocarditis, pneumonia and bacteremia.
  • Aloe Vera kills the bacteria Klebsiella Pneumonia which causes Pneumonia.
  • Aloe Vera kills the bacteria Escherichia Coli which causes Diarrhea and fatal food poisoning.
  • Aloe Vera kills the bacteria Staphylococcus Aureus which causes Food poisoning and toxic shock syndrome.
  • Aloe Vera kills the bacteria Pseudomonas Aeruginosa which causes Severe and fatal blood or urinary tract infections.
  • Aloe Vera kills the bacteria Citrobacter which causes Diarrhea and blood poisoning.
  • Aloe Vera kills the bacteria Candida Albicans which causes Vaginal, respiratory & skin infections, thrush & endocarditis.
  • Aloe Vera kills the bacteria Trichophyton which causes Fungal infections of the skin, nails or hair.
  • Aloe Vera kills the bacteria Mycobacterium Tuberculosis which causes Tuberculosis, lupus & erythematosus.
  • Aloe Vera plant produces six antiseptic agents: Lupeol, a natural salicylic acid, urea nitrogen, cinnamic acid, phenol, and sulfur all demonstrate anti-microbial effects. Lupeol and salicylic acid also have analgesic effects.
  • Aloe plant shows preliminary signs of boosting AIDS patients’ immune systems and blocking the human immune-deficiency virus spread without toxic side effects.
  • Aloe Vera cures stomach stretch marks formation during pregnancy.

Recommended Products: 

It is not necessary to buy any other products if you can grow the aloe vera plant in your home in a pot. All you have to do is take aloe vera greasy gel internally or externally depending on the requirement. There is a great demand for products which are prepared from aloe vera. If you find it difficult to use aloe vera plant. Let’s see some of the genuine aloe vera products.

Forever Aloe Vera Gel for a healthy Digestive purpose.

Auravedic Pure Natural Aloe Vera Gel to remove pimples and other skin related purposes.

Bio Care Aloe Vera Gel which Nourishes and regulates sagging skin

February 18, 2015

Six Packs Abs, Made Easy to Gain!

Six-packs Abs, Made Easy to Gain

Gaining six-packs abdomens is not a rocket science or KFC’s recipe secret, or Arnold’s pumping iron. There are many people including women wandering around in Africa right there with well-ripped abs. Those people have never even touched a dumb bell, pulled a cable rope crunches, or taken a single spoon of protein powder. That’s the difference between their life style and ours. There’s a big myth about it is not so easy to get the so called six packabs. Above all, it wouldn't take around more than 10 to 20 minutes to do the abdomen exercise per day, more than that, it is not even recommended by gymmasters. Let’s try to gain the six packs, maybe you can reduce your belly at least. 

There are 4 important factors necessary to bring on that augmentation on your stomach. Let’s see one by one.

  1. Exercises
  2. Diet
  3. Rest
  4. Supplements
While seeing the first two points, exercises and diet, we can’t put a standard gym workout plan or a diet plan for all. It depends upon each one, and varies person to person based on your body measure, weight, health condition. Both these are pre-planned by a good physiotherapist who will measure your body condition and plan a work out plan and dietary plan suits to your body. A gym master must obey the plan given by the physiotherapist. An hour workout plan instructed by a poor gym master or personal trainer is overshadowed by a 10-minutes workout plan given by an efficient physiotherapist. So, decide yourself which gym you are going to join

Nevertheless, let’s see the few standard, necessary exercises, and those won’t be missed out by any gym master.

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1. Exercises

Always do 20 minutes of any cardio exercise, either brisk walking or cycling before you do abdominal exercises. Abdominal exercises should be done only at the end of your workout session for better results. Below list of exercises are suggested to gain six-packs abs,

Let’s see some valuable abdominal exercises in this downloadable free e-book.

Six-packs Abs Exercises

More Exercises:

If you are a guy working out in a manual gym without a personal trainer or looking to optimize your work out, the book Diamond-Cut Abs written by Danny Kavadlo and Paul Wade, is the right choice for you. Danny Kavadlo is one of the modern-day architecture of human body with over 50 years of experience in body building. More than 50 pages are dedicated to dietary plan in accordance with the abdominal exercises. This book is one of the most located books in every builder’s home library. Further, the techniques in this book has been implemented in most of the fitness centers all over the globe.

Get Six Pack by Just Dancing Around

There’s always an alternative idea or short-cut route to everything, which should be legal. If you hate doing all these exercises, or if you’re getting bored by doing all these exercises, you can try this unique technique to rejuvenate or energize our body and mind. Then, you can return to your routine exercises or continue this technique to achieve remarkable results. That’s Hip Hop Abs. Yes, by dancing around you can get flat and sexy six pack without ever attempting a single crunch or sit-up.

If you don’t want to do exercises and you have interest in dance, you can try this. At the end, you’ll get a superb abs with cuts within a month. Many people are achieving good results by using this product. There are many additional free products are available with this product. Let’s see them.

Hip Hop Abs comes in a DVD format with stimulating music background with 10 workout routines. Additionally, 3 bonus workouts and 3 bonus Learn to Dance workout routines are also included in 3 DVDs.

Additional Free Products

The above package includes a step-by-step nutrition guide and 30-day workout plan calendar, measurement card along with the tape measure, Results on the Run diet guide, and 6-Day Slim Down plan. So you will get lot of useful products in a single package.

2. Diet

The most important point in your schedule is diet plan. You are not going to starve your stomach always. Instead of that, you are going to eat always, six times every day, but with nutrition-rich low calorie food. Try the below unique diet plan for efficient results.

1. Breakfast

1/4 cup Oats with 1/2 tbsp raw honey, 1/4 cup almonds, and 1/2 cup mixed berries
3 whole eggs (You can remove the yolk if you wish)
One cup green tea

2. Mid-Morning Meal

a dozen baby carrots with 1/4 cup (4 tbsp) hummus; 1 cup skim milk

3. Lunch

Grilled chicken salad with 4 oz chicken, olive oil vinaigrette dressing, 1 slice whole grain toast with whipped butter

4. Mid-Afternoon Meal

One banana or apple or orange with 2 tbsp natural peanut butter and 1 cup skim milk

5. Dinner 

Approx. 2 cups of homemade turkey or buffalo or chicken chili: meat, beans, tomatoes, peppers, onions, seasoning
Salad with olive oil dressing

6. Late Night Meal

1 cup 1% cottage cheese with 1/2 of a sliced apple, cinnamon, and stevia

Recommended Dietary Plan: 

Straight away, “The Bulletproof Diet” by Dave Asprey has acclaimed worldwide response for efficient weight loss and dietary plan. These diet plans were efficiently testified by many nutritionists and was personally applied to Dave Asprey to reduce his enormous weight. These techniques are published by Dave Asprey are received over whelming response worldwide. By following these techniques, we can reduce a pound per day without breaking our morale and energy.

3. Rest 

Another important factor which rejuvenates your body after each section of workout is how long you take rest. If you’re working out in both morning and evening session, there should be 8 hours gap between these two sessions. Every day, you must sleep for at least 8 hours to add fuel to your body. Adequate sleeping is a key to your healthy life style, and it will benefit your heart, weight, mindset, and the whole body. Reducing the hours of sleeping will not help you, increase the efficiency of your tasks and speed up them.

4. Supplements 

Usage of supplements will boost your energy levels and bring out good results. Before buying any supplement, it is better to check with your nutritionist which one to buy. Always stay away from drugs and steroids. They can bring out skyrocket results, but those will kill you later.

Recommended Products: 

Raspberry Ketones provides the valuable results for reducing the fat. Since it is free from synthetic additives and ingredients, it doesn’t lead to side effects. It squeezes our body and eliminates the fat from our body without showing ageing effect on our face. It not only reduces your fat but also it suppresses your appetite.

Vintage Burn also gives excellent results when compared to Raspberry Ketones. But, Raspberry ketones is available at low cost.

If you are a woman, you can use Non-Bloating Toner for Women, which reduces fat and brings the curvy body structure.

If you don’t get sleeping at night by following limited diet, you can try Belly Blaster, which promotes your sleeping, reduces the fat when you sleep and also suppresses your appetite too. 

One last thing butnot least

Keep on saying to your mind and soul that “Never give it up, let’s try few more times” whenever you lag behind. It’s the psychological mantra which will keep you very aggressive in your duty and add endless fuel to your body. 

February 11, 2015

Indian Treatment to Cure Grey Hair

Indian Treatment to Cure Grey Hair
Grey strands pop up from our head even in younger generation. Let's see how to cure this.

Before going deep, let's see some important causes of greying of hair:

1. Ageing is a natural cause for greying of hair.

2. Hereditary is another factor, grey hair pops up even in teens because of their genes.

3. Stress is a major factor for greying of hair. People working in hectic life style come across greying of hair.

4. Vitamin B12 deficiency because of lack wealthy nutrition food.

5. Hypothyroidism which means lack of sufficient thyroid hormone and it is a common disorder problem among many people.

6. People with albinism have a very little or don't have pigment in their eyes, skin, or natural black hair because of congenital disorder.

7. Vitiligo is another disease because of lack of pigment in skin cells which extends to greying of hair too.

8. Smoking - Another important factor for greying of hair.

10. Tobacco - Use tobacco products also affects the rupturing of skin cells leading to loss of hair and greying of hair.

11. Pollution - Exposure of polluted atmosphere is also one of the hair related issues.

12. Improper care of hair - Being careless about hair awareness.

How to avoid grey hair:

1. Amla 

Amla, also called Indian Gooseberry is an excellent natural remedy for curing premature grey hair. Amla is the best remedy for revitalizing pigmentation in your hair. It can also be taken orally for other health related problems also.

Boil few pieces of amla with coconut oil till it becomes black and massage the oily liquid with your hair with it to treat your grey hair naturally.

It can also be used in the form of paste. Amla decoction can cure grey hair in just about 2 weeks. Let's see how to prepare this decoction. Put a few pieces of amla with 1 spoon of eucalyptus oil overnight. Apply this with an egg, lemon juice and curd in the morning. Follow this procedure twice or thrice in a week to achieve wealthy results.

Recommended Product: Optimum Care Amla Legend Miraculous Oil is highly recommended because of its miraculous vulnerable activity against greying of hair rather than any other products in nearby store. It rejuvenates your hair so visibly with natural dark brownish black shade.

Indian Treatment to Cure Grey Hair

2. Ginger

Grated pieces of ginger mixed with a tablespoon of honey must be taken orally everyday to avoid premature grey hair.

Apply coconut oil and lemon juice on the scalp to get black and shiny hair.

Massage with ghee or clarified butter, thrice in a week to cure grey hair.

Coconut oil boiled with curry leaves is a natural hair tonic. Use this every day for better results.

6. Henna

Prepare a mixture of 2 spoons of henna powder, 1 spoon of fenugreek paste, 2 spoons of basil leaves paste, 3 spoons of coffee, 3 spoons of mint juice, and 1 spoon of yogurt. Apply this and leave it for an hour before bath. Follow this procedure once in a week or fortnight to get valuable results.

Mix Henna powder with coconut oil, keep it overnight, apply it as a dye and keep it for an hour before bath. Follow this once in a week to get ever lasting natural black hair. Henna also works well when soaked overnight and mixed with walnut pulp. This mixture gives a shiny touch to your hair and also cures the grey hair.

Massage your head with a strong black tea with a table spoon of salt, to get natural black hair.

8. Onion

Apply onion juice everyday before bath to avoid all hair related issues.

1 gm of black pepper and ½ cup of curd is also a good option for massaging your hair and scalp to curb grey hair. Lemon juice can also be added to this mixture.

Mix equal amount of almond oil, lemon juice, and amla juice. Massage your hair with this mixture to cure the problem of grey hair.

Soak few grams of shikakai and soap nut seeds in water overnight. Boil it and use this as a natural shampoo. 

Soak a few pieces of amla in water and boil it to use it as a conditioner. This remedy treats many hair problems.

12. Aloe Vera Gel

Apply aloe vera gel as a therapeutic remedy for premature greying of hair.

13. Use any one of the below listed oils daily to get better results.

      a. Eugenol Oil (Clove Oil)

      b. Neem Oil

      c. Arnica Oil

      d. Brahmi Hair Oil

American Sniper, What is it that?

American Sniper is a movie directed by the world-famous director, Clint Eastwood, based on the adaptation of the autobiography of a real-time hero, Chris Kyle, also called the most lethal military sniper in the history of USA. Today, that sniper is not alive. On February 2, 2013, he was killed by a mentally disordered marine Eddie Ray Routh in a shootout along with his friend in Texas.

Who is Chris Kyle?

Chris Kyle, being the most deadliest sniper in the history of US military has killed 255 terrorists in Iraq, out of which, 160 was officially confirmed by Pentagon. He received two Silver Star Medals, five Bronze Star Medals, one Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, and two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals. Iraqi insurgents called him the "Devil of Ramadi" and put huge bounties on his head.

The book, American Sniper

After his honorable discharging from US Navy in 2009, he wrote a bestselling autobiography, American Sniper, which was published in January 2012. The book was written with Scott McEwen and Jim DeFelice, and was published by William Morrow and Company on January 2, 2012, and appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list for 37 weeks. The memoir has sold over 1.2 million copies across all formats (hardcover, paper and ebook), including 700,000 copies in 2015 alone, making it the best-selling book of 2015 so far. It landed atop all the major best-seller lists including the aforementioned The New York Times, Publishers Weekly, USA Today and is No. 2 on Amazon.


The Movie, American Sniper

A film adaptation of the book was released by Warner Bros in the United States on December 25, 2014, and world wide release on January 16, 2015. Powered by Clint Eastwood's sure-handed direction and a gripping central performance from Bradley Cooper, the movie has been nominated for Oscar and has won several awards.

Box office collections:

American Sniper

Domestic Total as of Feb. 9, 2015:$282,979,594
Distributor: Warner Bros.Release Date:December 25, 2014
Genre: DramaRuntime: 2 hrs. 12 min.
MPAA Rating: RProduction Budget: $58.8 million

Trial has just begun

Now, on 11th Feb 2015, it is the man accused of killing, Eddie Ray Routh has entered the trial hall for the trail of murder. 

Eddie Ray Routh, Today, 11th Feb 2015

Eddie Ray Routh, 2 years back

February 6, 2015

10 Legendary Tips to Increase Traffic to Your Website/Blog

SEO Tips
SEO Techniques
1. Submit your site URL for search engines.

Type “Free website Submission Sites” in any of the search engines. Choose any one of the website and submit your website URL to several search engines.

2. Update Great Content:

Keep on updating the content which attracts overwhelming response from net surfers.

3. Subscribe to below site and increase traffic to your blog for free:


3. Submit your site URL to Social Bookmarking Sites:

At least subscribe to top 10 social bookmarking sites and keep on updating your content in them. Stumble Upon, Digg, Delicious, and Pinterest will bring a remarkable traffic to your site. Please don’t forget you should allocate some time to view and like others content and increase your followers.

4. Use your Twitter and Face book accounts.

Social networks are also a way to get traffic for free. If you are popular on networks, such as Twitter or Face book, the traffic you get from there can easily surpass the traffic from Google and the other search engines. It is true that building a large network of targeted followers on Twitter and supporters on Face book takes a lot of time and effort but generally the result is worth.

5. Put your site URL on other famous sites in your niche:

Subscribe to other sites in your niche and give your positive comments to them. This may help you to bring more visitors from their sites. This is also called Back linking SEO.

6. Promote your site in free classifieds, Submission to directories, article submissions.

Subscribe to at least 10 free classifieds, submission directories and article submissions and put your site URL. It’s guarantee that you will bring few 100s of visitors per day to your site.

7. Present a digital gift through your blog:

Write an article and provide it as a free gift like valentine’s day gift, Christmas gift in free classifieds through your site. It will bring immense traffic to your site.

8. Use viral content.

Use famous topic in your country that no one has touched that topic. Imagine that you are creating a virus and it would be reaching the surfers quickly and bring them to fall on your feet.

9. Use offline promotion. 

Include your site URL in the email signatures, in your presents, business cards and gift cards. It will bring some countable visitors to your site.

10. Forum Submission:

Subscribe to few top listed forums, participate in discussion and include your site URL in popular forums. That will bring more traffic.