Papaya is a container of lot of nutrients. The enzyme ‘Papain’ present in Papaya is used to make dietetic supplements, and is also used as a major constituent in some chewing gums. Papaya is a rich source of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the minerals, potassium and magnesium; and fiber. The pulp of this fruit is also a basic component of many facial creams, and shampoos.
Skin Benefits of Papaya:
1. Papaya removes dead skin cells and promotes skin glowing by removing inactive proteins.
2. Because of low sodium content, papaya keeps your face hydrated always and gives glowing skin.
3. Papaya is available at low cost and and contain more carotene when compared to other fruits like apple, custard apple, guava and plantains.
4. Papaya removes pimples.
5. Papaya treats the sore and cracked heels.
8. Papaya also acts as a natural skin exfoliator.
9. Papaya removes skin discoloration.
10. Papaya helps to whitening the legs.
11. Papaya is used to reduce inflammation and cures ringworms.
12. Papaya helps the skin by reducing the aging signs on the face.
How to Use:
- Apply papaya on face and rub it around the mouth to avoid aging of skin.
- Apply papaya with or without milk to get the glowing skin.
- Apply papaya with mashed with honey to get the glowing skin without dark spot.
- Apply papaya with malai or milk cream to avoid the dry skin.
- To avoid loose skin, apply papaya with rice flour and honey.
- Apply papaya with honey, salt spa and olive oil to get the whole glowing body.
- To cure the skin tans and bright skin, apply papaya mask by preparing the mixture of mashed papaya, yogurt, honey and white part of the egg. Keep it for half an hour and wash it off.
Hair Benefits of Papaya:
1. Because of the abundant nutrients in papaya, it helps to cure hair fall and baldness by strengthening the hair follicles.
2. Papaya eradicates dandruff by cleansing the dead skin cells and promoting the newer one.
3. Eat papaya daily to get the strengthen the hair follicles to avoid hair falling.
5. Apply papaya leaf extracts to cure baldness to speed up hair growth.
6. Use papaya mask to get strong hair.
Papaya Hair Mask
Prepare a paste of mixture of mashed papaya, banana, molasses, olive oil and yogurt. Apply this thoroughly mixed paste on your scalp and cover it with a head plastic cover, keep it for an hour, wash it off with a mild hair conditioner.Health Benefits of Papaya:
Papaya is not only useful for beauty related products, but also it is an important ingredient in making of medicines because of its nutrient-rich container.
1. Papaya reduces hypertension by diminishing the blood pressure level because of its potassium constituent.
2. Papaya improves eye vision greatly.
3. Papaya increases the immunity level of the body thereby keeping the diseases at bay.
4. Papaya protects us against cold, ear infections and flu.
5. Papaya dissolves and eliminates cholesterol thereby it protects against getting the risk of heart attack and stroke.
6. Papaya reduces inflammation directly by applying papaya pulp over the wounds.
7. Papaya mixed with butter cures chronic intestinal infections and ulcers.
8. Latex present in papaya cures bronchitis, coughness, disordered breathing, and all respiratory diseases.
9. Apart from sweetest nature, diabetes can eat papaya well and get cured from it.
10. Daily intake of papaya keeps your body to stay away from cancer by binding fibre rich ingredients to toxins in the colon.
Side Effects of Papaya:
1. Papaya can cause abortion by stimulating uterine contractions because of presence of latex in it.
2. Because of the presence of beta-carotene, if it is consumed in high quantities it can cause discoloration of skin, like yellow color of white part of the eyes during jaundice.
3. Excessive consumption of papaya can cause various respiratory disorders, such as obstructed breathing, Wheezing, Continuous congestion of the nasal passages, Hay fever, and Asthma because of the presence of allergic papain enzyme.
4. Excessive consumption can promote renal stone formation because of presence of high quantities of vitamin C.
5. Abundant fibre and latex present in the papaya may cause stomach related problems if it is consumed excessively.
6. Papaya is used to promote breast milk during pregnancy in asia. But, before eating it, it is recommended to consult with the doctor.
7. People with blood related diseases like hemophilia, blood clotting diseases should stay away from papaya because of the anticoagulant nature of the papain enzyme present in it.
8. Not all papaya related products is applied to all, it varies from person to person depending on the skin type because its fibre and papain enzyme may cause dryness and itching. If you feel any adverse effects, drop using them.
9. Latex present in papaya may cause irritation. If you're uncomfortable using it then don't use it.
10. The alkaloid carpaine present in leaves, seeds may cause adverse effects to your health. while cutting the fruit it is recommended to wear the gloves.
11. People having cardiac diseases should not eat papaya, as it has been found that the enzyme papain will decrease heart beat.
12. If You Suffer From Diarrhea, then don't take papaya, as because the fiber binds with the stools and worsens the condition, leaving you at the risk of dehydration.
13. Avoid babies to feed papaya below 1 year age, because of the excessive fibre as it may causes constipation by hardening the stools.
14. Even though it is effective remedy for constipation, it may promote constipation if it is consumed excessively.
Reduce 20 pounds in Ten Days:
Drink 2 litres of water on the empty stomach to remove toxins from the your body before starting your diet.
Start your diet with a glass of warm water with lemon juice and two spoons of extra virgin olive oil.
All through the day you should eat only papaya. If you feel hungry eat more papaya which removes toxins and purifies your body. Papaya reduces inflammation in the stomach and builds strong tissues because of its ingredient, that is beta carotene.
During this day if you get diarrhea or your stomach hurts, that is normal, as your body is in the healing crisis, i.e. it’s eliminating the dirty toxins.
Follow this for one or two day continuously. Then commence the next day with lemon juice in warm water with papaya as the breakfast. Then after half an hour you can start to eat soft foods, vegetables, whole grains and wheat stuffs.
Follow this for 10 days, to remove fat stored in blood vessels at a greater extent.
Do skipping or jogging 15 minutes intermittently to burn the fat eliminated by papaya.
Important Things to Consider:
This procedure will make your liver so powerful. Powerful liver eliminates the fat effectively.
You can make papaya juice with oats, almonds and honey to vary the taste.