January 14, 2015

Benefits of Curd to Control Hair Loss and Yogurt for Shining Hair

Curd for Hair Loss and Hair Fall
Enhance your look naturally by applying curd. Curd is an excellent tonic for the improvement and quality of hair as well as genuinely prevents Hair loss. Curd is one of the best conditioners for hair. In home curd is used in different forms such as Curd Recipe, Curd Dishes, Curd raita, etc. However, for shining of hair and dandruff control & prevention, curd is used along with  any of the given herbs or spices-gram flour, pepper, methi powder, henna, egg, lemon and so on.

Top 7 benefits of Curd for Hair Shining
Yogurt for Shining Hair

1. Apply the paste of curd and gram flour into the hair roots. This prevents hair loss and dandruff problems.

2. The mix of pepper with curd, if use for head wash twice or thrice a day, provides shining, soft hair and also helpful in overcoming of dandruff.  This mixture strengthens the hair and prevent hair fall.

3. Curd is responsible for healthy hair, silky hair, smooth hair and overcome dandruff.

4. Apply curd cord on the scalp and left it for 20 minutes. Wash it, helps to give shining and free dandruff hair. Curds provides many nutrients for silky hair.

5. Apply the paste of curd and methi  powder over your scalp, left it for some time and wash it. It is good for your shining hair.

6. If somebody needed shining hair, it is advised to use the paste of curd, henna and eggs.

7. To overcome the problem of dandruff, you may use the paste of curd and lemon. Left over the scalp for 20 minutes and get shining hair.

8. Yogurt & Anti aging: Yogurt is good for anti aging and skin beauty.

Additional Uses of Curd for Natural Skin Care

Curd is one of the brilliant natural home remedy beauty tips for fair and natural skin care. Yogurt not only enhances the beauty of the skin, yet it aids good makeover to the personality. Using curd on regular basis helps to remove tan, acne, blemishes and scars from the body thereby provides original complexion. Applying curd on the face provide refreshing beauty to the facial appearance. For refreshing face, one has to apply curd over the face followed by wiping the face with towel which is made available after lukewarm water squeezing. Yogurt also acts like as home remedy skin cleanser. Curd prevents to sun burning if it applies on the face after making a paste of besan and curd. Wash the paste after 15 minutes.

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