January 13, 2015

Symptoms of Hair Falling

Symptoms of Hair Falling

Symptoms of Hair Falling vary between men, women and children. However, people of any age or sex may notice more hair collecting in their hairbrush or in the shower drain.

A. Symptoms of Hair Falling and hair conditions in men may include:

a)  Thinning hair on the scalp
b)  A receding hairline
c)  A horseshoe-shaped pattern that leaves the crown of the head exposed

B. Symptoms of Hair Falling and hair conditions in women may include:

a) General hair thinning, especially at the crown of the head
b) Female-pattern hair loss, which usually has a strong genetic component that can be inherited from either the mother or father. Also referred to as androgenetic alopecia, this type of hair loss can start as early as the late teens and the earlier it starts, the more severe the hair loss tends to be.
c) The first sign of hair loss that most women notice is often widening of their part or that their ponytail is smaller.

C. Symptoms of Hair Falling and hair conditions in children and young adults may include:

a) Sudden loss of patches of hair
b) Complete loss of all hair on the body
c)  Patches of broken hairs and incomplete hair loss on the scalp and/or eyebrows
d)  Excessive shedding of hair, but not complete baldness, after various illnesses and drug treatments, anemia, fast weight loss or stress

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