February 5, 2015

5 Legendary Tips How to Avoid Moustache in Women

5 Legendary Tips How to Avoid Moustache in Women
How to avoid growing unwanted hair?
How to Get Rid of Moustache in Women:
5 Legendary Tips How to Avoid Moustache in Women
Avoid Moustache by following below tips
The phenomenon of hirsutism, or unwanted hair growth in females has many factors, which maybe hormonal or genetic, or even a combination of the two. Generally around 5-10% of all females have a problem of hirsutism. There are no determined causes of this condition and research is still ongoing. 
Follow any one of the below procedure to avoid moustache in women.

1. Turmeric Powder & Water
5 Legendary Tips How to Avoid Moustache in Women
Apply Turmeric as shown above
Mix turmeric powder and water together. Then stir until it becomes a thick paste. Now, apply it on the upper lip area. Wait for half an hour and then rub gently to wash it off. Do this for a month frequently. Gradually, you will see no hairon your upper lip.
2. Turmeric Powder & Milk
Add milk and little quantity of turmeric powder and mix them together. Make a paste and then apply it to your upper lip area. Wait till it becomes dry for 10 to 15 minutes. Afterwards, remove the paste by rubbing. Follow this for 3 or 4 times a week to get rid of the damn hair.
3. Yoghurt, Besan and Turmeric
Add and mix yoghurt, besan and turmeric together and massage it on the upper lip area. Wait until it gets dry. Rub gently to remove the hair and then wash it off.
4. Gram Flour, Sugar & Egg White
Add one tablespoon of flour and sugar with an egg white. Stir and mix to make a sticky paste. Then, apply it on the upper lip area. Wait until it is dry and then peel it off. Repeat this for 2 to 4 times in a week. Gradually, it will stop the hair growth.

5. Lemon, Sugar & Water
Take lemon juice, sugar and water in a bowl. Stir them until they turn into a paste. Now, use this paste in the upper lip area. Wash it off after 10 – 15 minutes. Follow this for 3 or 4 times a week to avoid moustache in women.

Let's try the below products for to avoid moustache in women:

1. Extra Strength Hair Removal Waxing Kit Men + Women, All Natural (10 oz)

2. Gutto Ant Egg Oil Hair Reducing Cream for Removal of Unwanted Hair Permanently

3. Remington IPL6000USA I-Light Pro, Professional IPL Hair Removal System

4. Conair Satiny Smooth Ladies All-in-One Personal Groomer

5. Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal Duo (Fine to Medium)1 Kit

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