January 14, 2015

How to Reduce Hair Fall Through Yoga

1.    Surya Namaskar :

Reduce Hair Fall through Yoga - Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar is the wonder of yoga, it solves probably all problems. Just name it and surya namaskar solves it! And hair fall problem is no exception. If you also suffer from premature hair greying then this is it. This is a sequence of yoga that is placed in a way that it benefits your body in the most amazing way. For more you may visit out previous post on Sun Salutation.  

2.    Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) :

How to Reduce Hair Fall through Yoga - Sudarshan Kriya

It starts with normal breathing exercise followed by brisk breathing. Then it proceeds further with chanting OM thrice. Then going into further meditation. Meditation will definitely reduce your hair fall by a great extent. For further and better understanding please go through our previous article on Sudarshan Kriya Yoga(SKY).  

3.    Uttanasana:

How to Reduce Hair Fall through Yoga - Uttasana

This pose is definitely as easy as pie.  And it does wonders to hair fall problem. In other words we can say that it is toe-touching pose. To do this, first you need to exhale and take a deep breath in. Then slowly bend your body forward and get hold of you ankles with your hand. Your toes should touch the knees and hold the pose for a while. You may not attain the perfect pose on the first go but don’t give up and bend your body as much as you can.

4.    Vajrasan:

How to Reduce Hair Fall through Yoga -- Vajrasan

This is best done just after a meal. Sit down on a mat. Fold your legs backwards such that your ankle touches your buttocks. Your feet might sting a bit when you do initially. Start doing it with 3-5 minutes. Then slowly increase the time to 15 minutes. If you feet starts paining too much then you may think about its benefits in controlling hair fall and bear it.

5.    Sarvangasana:

How to Reduce Hair Fall through Yoga -- Sarvangasana

Also known as the Shoulder stand pose, this asana helps in gushing blood to your brain which will be a very good treatment for your hair fall. Lift your body slowly. You might not attain the perfect shoulder stand but keep on trying and you will achieve excellence. And remember to bring down your legs slowly and not with a jerk.

6.    Adho Mukha Savasana:

How to Reduce Hair Fall Through Yoga-- Adho Mukha Savasana

In this asana, we lie on our stomachs. Slowly we raise our body and bring the hands and feet closer. In this way we get to form the arched position as shown in the picture. When the arched position is achieved, hold it for a while and then let go and rest for sometime. This asana sends blood gushing to the brain which combats hair fall.

7.    Vipritakarani:
How to Reduce Hair Fall Through Yoga-- Vipritakarani

In this asana, we slowly raise the the legs and keep them perpendicular to the body. We hold the position for a while and then let go. Hence the blood that is sent to the brain reduces hair fall to a great extent.

8.    Halasana: 
How to Reduce Hair Fall Through Yoga -- Halasana

    This asana should be done and let go very slowly. First you must attain the Vipritakarani then followed by the Sarvangasana and then finally take both your legs slowly towards your head and touch the ground. It might be really tough in the beginning but don’t lose hope. Rome was not built in a day. It will take some time to master this pose but when it is done, all your efforts will bear fruit.

9.    Kapalbhati: 
How to Reduce Hair Fall Through Yoga -- Kapalbhati
    For doing this pranayam, sit in the normal sitting pose with legs folded or lotus pose. With forceful breathing throw out your breathe and breathe in softly. Try to do this for 5 minutes non-stop. Initially it might be nearly impossible to do for almost 1 minute. But you have to pull it to 5 minutes as it will increase your stamina, fight hair fall as well and get you a flat belly!

10.  Bhastrika:
How to Reduce Hair Fall Through Yoga --  Bhastrika
This is the forceful breathing which you will be doing in SKY. You sit in a Vajrasan position and clench your fists lightly and bring them beside your shoulder. With forceful breathing, breathe in as you push your hand upwards and breathe out as you bring them down.

11.  Anulom Vilom:
How to Reduce Hair Fall Through Yoga --  Anulom Vilom
This is a simple breathing technique. You sit in a simple pose or the lotus pose. Breathe in from one nose while keeping the other blocked with your finger. Continue this for sometime. Take rest and resume. This is the simplest among all the above yet it does play an important role in combating hair fall.

Point No.9, No.10, and No.11 are pranayamas. They also help reduce hair fall. Pranayamas are a sub-category of yoga which is mainly made up of breathing exercises and meditation and less of physical exertion.

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