February 18, 2015

Six Packs Abs, Made Easy to Gain!

Six-packs Abs, Made Easy to Gain

Gaining six-packs abdomens is not a rocket science or KFC’s recipe secret, or Arnold’s pumping iron. There are many people including women wandering around in Africa right there with well-ripped abs. Those people have never even touched a dumb bell, pulled a cable rope crunches, or taken a single spoon of protein powder. That’s the difference between their life style and ours. There’s a big myth about it is not so easy to get the so called six packabs. Above all, it wouldn't take around more than 10 to 20 minutes to do the abdomen exercise per day, more than that, it is not even recommended by gymmasters. Let’s try to gain the six packs, maybe you can reduce your belly at least. 

There are 4 important factors necessary to bring on that augmentation on your stomach. Let’s see one by one.

  1. Exercises
  2. Diet
  3. Rest
  4. Supplements
While seeing the first two points, exercises and diet, we can’t put a standard gym workout plan or a diet plan for all. It depends upon each one, and varies person to person based on your body measure, weight, health condition. Both these are pre-planned by a good physiotherapist who will measure your body condition and plan a work out plan and dietary plan suits to your body. A gym master must obey the plan given by the physiotherapist. An hour workout plan instructed by a poor gym master or personal trainer is overshadowed by a 10-minutes workout plan given by an efficient physiotherapist. So, decide yourself which gym you are going to join

Nevertheless, let’s see the few standard, necessary exercises, and those won’t be missed out by any gym master.

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1. Exercises

Always do 20 minutes of any cardio exercise, either brisk walking or cycling before you do abdominal exercises. Abdominal exercises should be done only at the end of your workout session for better results. Below list of exercises are suggested to gain six-packs abs,

Let’s see some valuable abdominal exercises in this downloadable free e-book.

Six-packs Abs Exercises

More Exercises:

If you are a guy working out in a manual gym without a personal trainer or looking to optimize your work out, the book Diamond-Cut Abs written by Danny Kavadlo and Paul Wade, is the right choice for you. Danny Kavadlo is one of the modern-day architecture of human body with over 50 years of experience in body building. More than 50 pages are dedicated to dietary plan in accordance with the abdominal exercises. This book is one of the most located books in every builder’s home library. Further, the techniques in this book has been implemented in most of the fitness centers all over the globe.

Get Six Pack by Just Dancing Around

There’s always an alternative idea or short-cut route to everything, which should be legal. If you hate doing all these exercises, or if you’re getting bored by doing all these exercises, you can try this unique technique to rejuvenate or energize our body and mind. Then, you can return to your routine exercises or continue this technique to achieve remarkable results. That’s Hip Hop Abs. Yes, by dancing around you can get flat and sexy six pack without ever attempting a single crunch or sit-up.

If you don’t want to do exercises and you have interest in dance, you can try this. At the end, you’ll get a superb abs with cuts within a month. Many people are achieving good results by using this product. There are many additional free products are available with this product. Let’s see them.

Hip Hop Abs comes in a DVD format with stimulating music background with 10 workout routines. Additionally, 3 bonus workouts and 3 bonus Learn to Dance workout routines are also included in 3 DVDs.

Additional Free Products

The above package includes a step-by-step nutrition guide and 30-day workout plan calendar, measurement card along with the tape measure, Results on the Run diet guide, and 6-Day Slim Down plan. So you will get lot of useful products in a single package.

2. Diet

The most important point in your schedule is diet plan. You are not going to starve your stomach always. Instead of that, you are going to eat always, six times every day, but with nutrition-rich low calorie food. Try the below unique diet plan for efficient results.

1. Breakfast

1/4 cup Oats with 1/2 tbsp raw honey, 1/4 cup almonds, and 1/2 cup mixed berries
3 whole eggs (You can remove the yolk if you wish)
One cup green tea

2. Mid-Morning Meal

a dozen baby carrots with 1/4 cup (4 tbsp) hummus; 1 cup skim milk

3. Lunch

Grilled chicken salad with 4 oz chicken, olive oil vinaigrette dressing, 1 slice whole grain toast with whipped butter

4. Mid-Afternoon Meal

One banana or apple or orange with 2 tbsp natural peanut butter and 1 cup skim milk

5. Dinner 

Approx. 2 cups of homemade turkey or buffalo or chicken chili: meat, beans, tomatoes, peppers, onions, seasoning
Salad with olive oil dressing

6. Late Night Meal

1 cup 1% cottage cheese with 1/2 of a sliced apple, cinnamon, and stevia

Recommended Dietary Plan: 

Straight away, “The Bulletproof Diet” by Dave Asprey has acclaimed worldwide response for efficient weight loss and dietary plan. These diet plans were efficiently testified by many nutritionists and was personally applied to Dave Asprey to reduce his enormous weight. These techniques are published by Dave Asprey are received over whelming response worldwide. By following these techniques, we can reduce a pound per day without breaking our morale and energy.

3. Rest 

Another important factor which rejuvenates your body after each section of workout is how long you take rest. If you’re working out in both morning and evening session, there should be 8 hours gap between these two sessions. Every day, you must sleep for at least 8 hours to add fuel to your body. Adequate sleeping is a key to your healthy life style, and it will benefit your heart, weight, mindset, and the whole body. Reducing the hours of sleeping will not help you, increase the efficiency of your tasks and speed up them.

4. Supplements 

Usage of supplements will boost your energy levels and bring out good results. Before buying any supplement, it is better to check with your nutritionist which one to buy. Always stay away from drugs and steroids. They can bring out skyrocket results, but those will kill you later.

Recommended Products: 

Raspberry Ketones provides the valuable results for reducing the fat. Since it is free from synthetic additives and ingredients, it doesn’t lead to side effects. It squeezes our body and eliminates the fat from our body without showing ageing effect on our face. It not only reduces your fat but also it suppresses your appetite.

Vintage Burn also gives excellent results when compared to Raspberry Ketones. But, Raspberry ketones is available at low cost.

If you are a woman, you can use Non-Bloating Toner for Women, which reduces fat and brings the curvy body structure.

If you don’t get sleeping at night by following limited diet, you can try Belly Blaster, which promotes your sleeping, reduces the fat when you sleep and also suppresses your appetite too. 

One last thing butnot least

Keep on saying to your mind and soul that “Never give it up, let’s try few more times” whenever you lag behind. It’s the psychological mantra which will keep you very aggressive in your duty and add endless fuel to your body. 

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